Are Public Speaking Skills Necessary for Every Job?


Dear Ty Boyd, 

My boss is insisting that I take a public speaking course. The thought of speaking in front of a crowd terrifies me, but I also just don't see the point. What will a back-room computer guy gain from this type of training and why should I bother?


A Cynical Techie


Dear Cynical Techie, 

You are selling yourself short. Public speaking is a critical skill that is valuable to anyone regardless of their general duties or responsibilities. Adding public speaking training to your personal career toolbox will be a very worthwhile investment. And as long as your boss is buying, I would take him or her up on the offer.  

As a "back-room computer guy" surely you will be called on from time to time to give your input on an infrastructure purchase, or to provide details when something goes wrong (or right) with your computer system, or to instruct a group of coworkers on how to use a new software. My point is, you will be asked to impart your wisdom to an audience - even if it's an audience of one - and your work deserves to be presented well. It doesn't matter if you're never going to speak on stage or if you only occasionally present to a few people. Learning the skills of being an effective speaker will give you confidence in all areas of your life.

Regardless of what you do for a living, it's important to be able to clearly articulate your point of view. Think of it this way: developing your public speaking skills simply means learning how to control your fear and deliver your message successfully. 

Have you thought about climbing the corporate ladder and eventually landing a management or leadership position? If you want people to follow you, you have to be able to communicate effectively and clearly and public speaking training will help you immensely in that respect. If you're highly knowledgeable about something, and I'm sure you are, nobody will know it unless you demonstrate knowledge. And how do you demonstrate that knowledge and position yourself as an authority? You got it - by speaking confidently.

I think you will be amazed at the impact our training will have on you. You will feel more animated, more grounded, more convinced that you are able to speak and present and have something useful to add. Your confidence will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Your understanding of the message that you can project by sitting or standing a certain way, by projecting, by making eye contact, by being organized will help you be more aware of how others perceive you.

So, are public speaking skills necessary for every job (including yours)? Yes, and your boss clearly has your back. Visit our website to find the communications course that works best for you.

We look forward to working with you!

- Ty Boyd

Hands-on Training

Excellence in Speaking Institute (ESI) is Ty Boyd, Inc.'s signature course. Participants are given proven techniques for preparing and delivering effective presentations; greater confidence in their presentation skills ability; and new tools for effective communication. Click below to learn more about upcoming courses held in both Charlotte, NC and Ponte Vedra Beach, FL.

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