Excuses People Make For Bad Presentations


When it comes to delivering a bad presentation, we've heard every excuse in the book. "I wasn't prepared because I was too busy running a company." Or, "I am not a presenter, I am a numbers guy." And, "My background is not in public speaking, I'm an entrepreneur." It doesn't matter what your background is or how busy you are, if you want your audience to do something as a result of your presentation, you have to stop making excuses and figure out how to make your presentation better. 

Whether you are introducing a big change in your organization, educating your colleagues about a new product, asking for money for a new start-up venture, or meeting with a client to make a sale, if your audience is not sold on your idea, they are not going to do want you want them to do. The bottom line is: regardless of what your presentation is about - you are selling an idea. 

Now, to many people, the word "selling" implies manipulating - think used car salesman - but if you think about selling as having more to do with explaining the logic and benefits of a decision rather than about pressuring and cajoling, then really every presentation you give requires you to sell. At Ty Boyd, we understand that most presenters in the business world are not speakers by training or even by choice. But we also know that the most successful speakers realize that they have the ability to influence others with their knowledge and expertise through their presentations. Speaking confidently, clearly and compellingly gives them the power to persuade, influence and compel their audience into action by selling an idea.

Top Presentation Mistakes

Here are 7 top mistakes to avoid when giving any presentation. 

  • Turning your back to your audience
  • Starting with an apology
  • Simply reading your slides
  • Speaking too fast
  • Asking for more time than allotted
  • Giving personal excuses as to why you aren't prepared or on top of your game
  • No inflection or personality in your voice

You owe it to your audience to be prepared, to be clear, and to be authentic. You owe it to yourself to stop making excuses and figure out how to make your presentation better. We are here to help.

Hands-on Training

Excellence in Speaking Institute (ESI) is Ty Boyd, Inc.'s signature course. Participants are given proven techniques for preparing and delivering effective presentations; greater confidence in their presentation skills ability; and new tools for effective communication. Click below to learn more about upcoming courses held in both Charlotte, NC and Ponte Vedra Beach, FL.

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