How to Be Effective at a Networking Event


You say that you are an introvert and uncomfortable making small talk. Guess what? You are not alone. Most people feel the exact same - especially at business lunches, dinners, and networking events. But, you need to get over it because it's part of your job to interact with your colleagues, clients and potential customers. Stop hiding in the bathroom or pretending to be reading important emails on your phone and start engaging with those around you. Don't let that label of introvert define what you can and cannot do.

If you want to be more successful in your career, there is no question that you need to be able to communicate and the earlier in your career that you can start polishing your networking skills, the better off you'll be. It's true what they say: you are more likely to find your next job through someone you know, so the larger that circle of people is, and the more you cultivate it, the better off you will be. Not to mention that strong relationships make a huge difference in the speed and satisfaction of your career success.

But there is no denying it - networking can be overwhelming. If going up to complete strangers and trying to strike up a conversation seems like a horrifying proposition, then doing it in a business environment makes it all that much more terrifying. But there are very few jobs that don't require strong and confident communication, influencing and networking skills. Saying that you're an introvert is just not a good enough excuse - it's time to think about developing those skills. Rest assured, you can become more comfortable with networking. It takes time, effort and practice; you will have to push yourself and walk through the anxiety and the uneasiness, but you will find that it does get easier. 

In the end, networking is about building relationships that are honest, sincere and add value to both parties. If you are nervous about attending a networking event, come prepared with an elevator pitch to avoid being at a loss for words when someone asks you about yourself. The coaches at Ty Boyd can help you with all of your communication challenges including your elevator speech. Our coaches have one goal in mind: to help you gain the confidence and acquire the tools that enable you to walk into any room and shine. Give us a call and let us help you break out of your shell.

Hands-on Training

Excellence in Speaking Institute (ESI) is Ty Boyd, Inc.'s signature course. Participants are given proven techniques for preparing and delivering effective presentations; greater confidence in their presentation skills ability; and new tools for effective communication. Click below to learn more about upcoming courses held in both Charlotte, NC and Ponte Vedra Beach, FL.

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