Public Speaking Skills - Not Just for Large Presentations


Public speaking involves talking to a live audience. It can be in front of a group of people that you know such your team members or a crowd of strangers. But one thing to note - public speaking does NOT mean just presenting to a large crowd. You can use your presentation skills with your toddler kids, during a team meeting, with your "bigger" children, while a parent conference, at a church function, or anywhere you have to clearly convey an idea to a couple of people.  And your technnique matters in every situation.

For many people, standing up in public and presenting a speech is an ultimate challenge. In fact, most people find themselves sweating,  their palms clammy,  or even stammering. This can be true anytime we have to deliver some important ideas or uncomfortable news to anyone! However, there are numerous tactics to tackling this problem and learning to deliver a remarkable speech.

Here are some tips that will help decrease your anxiety and improve your public speaking skills.

Nervousness is normal. Plan and prepare.

Everyone exhibits some psychological reactions when under pressure such as sweating and quivering. However, it’s important not to subordinate these feelings with your performance. Research indicates that some nerves are healthy. In fact, the adrenaline rush that makes you quiver or sweat can also make you more alert and equipped to present an incredible performance.

The best way to overcome nervousness is to take your time and prepare. Adequate preparation will not only help improve the quality of your communication but will also contribute to calm your nerves before going in front of your audience.

Know Your Audience

Most of the anxiety that arises due to the fear of speaking in public, whether for a social gathering or a sales pitch is derived from not knowing the audience. Before crafting your speech, consider for whom the message is intended.

Think about why you are giving the message. Consider the size of the audience, age, gender, and education among other factors. If you can fill in the blanks correctly, you will feel more comfortable presenting your speech in a language that everyone understands.

Organize Your Speech

Craft an outline for your address. Write down the topic, overall purpose, particular purpose, the fundamental idea and the most important points. Ensure that your presentation grabs the attention of the audience within the first few minutes.

Alter Your Outlook

Before going ahead with your speech, turn any negative thoughts into positive ones. According to public speaking experts, negative thoughts can change your ability to deliver that amazing speech and knowledge within you. If you are scared or have thoughts of what might go wrong, you will alter not only your voice but also your body language. Think positively. That simple shift can mean the difference between a bad speech and a good speech.

Watch For Feedback and Adapt

Pay attention to your audience. Judge from their reaction and adjust your speech where necessary. Delivering an inflexible speech will guarantee that you lose the attention of the audience or confuse your listeners.

Use Humor and Stories

To grab more attention from your listeners, add a funny anecdote in your speech. People love a personal touch in a speech. A good story can do that.

Do Not Read Unless You Have To

Reading from a slide or a script can affect the personal connection with your listeners. However, by maintaining eye contact, you can read the mood of the audience and connect well with them. A small framework can help jog your memory and bring you up to speed on the task at hand.

Use Body Language Effectively

Ensure that you stay from nervous gestures. Body language carries a huge part of the verbal message. Efficient use of your gestures helps convey your ideas clearly and without distraction.

While effective communication is never perfect, putting in a considerable amount of time to plan and prepare will help you deliver an incredible speech. Let the above tips help you move your career forward. 

Taking your communication skills to the next level

While there are multiple places to get tips & tricks for public speaking, we believe hands-on-training is the way to truly master public speaking. If you are looking for proven techniques for preparing and delivering effective presentations; greater confidence in your presentation skills ability; and new tools for effective communication look no further. Excellence in Speaking Institute, our signature course, provides all of the above and each attendee also receives an individualized game plan for how to further improve and enhance their skills after the course. 

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