9 Public Speaking Tips


Speaking in front of an audience of people can be very scary. You have the audience’s undivided attention, but sometimes you feel as if you don’t want it. Here are some great tips to get you over the hurdle and speaking in front of a group more comfortable.

Public Speaking Tips

Share a great anecdote

If you can think of an interesting story which has a lesson attached, tell it! It will resonate with the audience, and they will remember it later. If you are using visuals, find one to accompany your story.

Sell your story, don’t read it

Never read your speech straight from note cards or a laptop. Practice your speech and get comfortable with it so you can make eye contact and give your speech without reading it. Have notes or slides to consult if you lose your train of thought, though.

Don’t just throw quotes and statistics at your audience

They can Google statistics and quotes, give your audience something new! Give them new ideas and insights.

Use the ’10 20 30’ rule

Developed by Guy Kawasaki, this PowerPoint strategy keeps your audience interested. Use 10 slides and 30-point font and don’t let the presentation go for over 20 minutes. It’s simply a guide, but it’s a good starting point. It keeps everything short, sweet and simple.

Be energetic

Everyone remembers a speaker, or teacher, who got up there and had absolutely no interest in their subject. Boring! But we also remember how great it is to watch a speaker who is interested in their topic and brings energy to it. Be funny, be engaging, make the audience want to hear you speak. If you have energy, the audience will have energy, too.

Use humor

You don’t necessarily have to tell jokes, especially if you aren’t good at it, but try to bring life to your speech with a little humor. Use topical humor if possible. People love it when current events are relevant to your subject.

You don’t have to have a Q&A

Many people hate the Q&A at the end of a talk, and just won’t answer questions. Instead, you could let the audience know you aren’t doing a traditional Q&A, but you’re happy to speak with them after your talk.

Never apologize

If you’re nervous you may tend to apologize for every little thing, including things the audience hasn’t even noticed (and wouldn’t have if you hadn’t brought it to their attention). If you forget to change the slide, no worries, just do it and move on. Relax, don’t apologize!

Be yourself

Finally, just remember to be yourself up there. Take a deep breath, relax, and just be you. The more you try to act like someone you're not, the more people will see right through you. When you act like yourself, you’ll seem more confident and the audience will be able to relate to you.  

Follow these tips for an easier, more comfortable public speaking experience.

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